Arrived at Halim they rushed to fill the guest book. There was a lot of invitations. He had seen the Sukhoi aircraft on display was. From the outside looks good. The plane was parked.
After shaking hands with officials of Sukhoi, the entrepreneur with his wife and son on the plane. He praised the plane. Good interior design. The chairs also look shiny. Understandably the new aircraft. The new distance of 15 500 km. Can carry 98 people.
Impressed with the model plane, the businessmen had their pictures taken. Inside and on the plane. Photographed standing in the aisle aircraft. Wearing sunglasses. Blackberry mengenggam left hand.
He also had time to sit in the front seat. From the chair he heard the pilot was talking with a co-pilot. Both talk about the route the plane that was about to air. Which direction to take. Toward the mountains or the beach. That's all I heard. The rest he's seen more of the interior.
The employer is then offered to fly. Try how good it soar with Sukhoi. He was tempted, but there is a meeting that afternoon. So do not hesitate. Last minute flight or landing again and drove right down to the office. Staff is waiting for a meeting.
Feel free to choose, he then asked his wife. The wife does not agree. Do not want to fly. The reason, one hour flying time fairly long. Advised as soon as he obedient. They then go down. Kept going to the office. Sukhoi's two o'clock on the air.
A half hour later, he heard the news that makes the feverish chills. The plane lost contact. Repeatedly contacted the airport but not bersahut. In his office, the businessman was immediately slumped. "I immediately bowed gratefully," he said. The plane was later found crashed on Mount Salak. Shattered. All passengers were killed.
And entrepreneurs who are lucky it is Suharso Manoarfa, former Minister of Housing. After the minister step down October 12, 2011, Suharso it back to the business world. He also penetrated the airline business. His company was needed aircraft. For flights in eastern Indonesia.
Halim came to Wednesday afternoon, Suharso Sukhoi aircraft was about to see. If the match may be purchased. Although not yet decided to buy it or not, Suharso claim valuable lessons from this case. "If we do not feel desperate," he said. (Read: Clear For Advice Wife).
In addition to a number of invitations Suharso also canceled flight with the fateful plane. Miscellaneous why. There are too late for Jakarta stuck in traffic, some are too late to know about the invitation.
Some are lucky but many are fatal. One is Husdiana Wiganda. Senior Pilot and Operations Manager Air Kartika. One of her relatives, Afrizal, Husdiana told that it should come first flight. At 10 am.
Sukhoi was indeed on the air twice. The first ten and the second at 2 pm it. The first flight was followed by VIP guests. Husdiana unfortunately can not participate in that first flight. "There are items left behind at the office," said Afrizal.
Items left behind for the sake of it, he was forced to return to the office. Then decided to take a second flight. At two o'clock that afternoon. Husdiana not alone. There are 45 people, including flight crew - who took the second flight. Guest book of records, five of whom are journalists.
One journalist was ISMI Sunarto of Trans TV. ISMI's father, Sikun Hadisoenarto, claimed not to have any inkling about his son. It's just really strange there. The night before boarding the plane, ISMI requested prayer for his life while covering.
ISMI called his father at 12 am. "He asked for prayer, hopefully smoothly and safely," said Sikun with stammering voice to restrain tears. And that was the last contact with his daughter's Sikun. The father realized his son lost contact after a call from Trans TV. In fact, Sikun said while laughing tears, should be Wednesday, May 9, 2012 is the last day of training ISMI.
Sukhoi is the mainstay aircraft of the Russian state. The name was taken from the name Pavel Sukhoi Osipovich. This man was born July 22, 1895 in a small village near the town of Vitebsk, now known as Belarus. Sukhoi is a disciple of Andrey Tupolev, is known as a pioneer of aviation technology in the country's Leo Tosltoy.
In 1953, Sukhoi fighter aircraft began to develop a new platform. This is the most advanced fighter jet of the country. His name was later immortalized in the name of the fighter. He died 15 September 1975.
Later, Russia wants to get into the business of civil aviation. Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft that crashed on Mount Salak is a part of this great project. This aircraft made Sukhoi Civil Aircarft. The company came to Indonesia to promote kecangihan plane. (See Infografik: Sukhoi Superjet 100, Russia Mainstay)
The plane had also been declared airworthy. On June 2011, has received a certificate from the Russian Certification Institute (IACAR). And February 2012, this aircraft is certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Pocketed two certificates, the aircraft factory was then promoted to a number of countries.
Before arriving in Jakarta, the plane was already in a state campaign. So it soar a few times. And in Jakarta, he is already successful on the first flight was at 10. He was on the air about 40 minutes. Transported are entrepreneurs and VIPs.
Success on the first flight, he was off the air at two o'clock in the afternoon. Not long in the air he lost contact. "Aircraft take off to the Port of Queen at 14:12, 14:33 o'clock lost contact," said the head of the National SAR Agency. Marshal Daryatmo.
Just before contact is lost, the plane contacted air traffic control officer (air traffic control) Soekarno Hatta Airport. "Get down from 10 thousand to six thousand feet," said Daryatmo. The plane, piloted by Aleksandr Aleksandr Kechetkov Yablontsev and co-pilot suddenly lost contact.
Called many times not bersahut. Because it's not bersahut SAR team immediately mobilized two helicopters to Mount Salak. But the weather was bad. Then the search is stopped late afternoon. (See: "Death Route" Aircraft on Mount Salak)
The plane had been found on Thursday morning, May 10, 2012. At eight over 30 minutes. The plane crashed into the cliffs of Mount Salak. His condition has been shattered. Location search and rescue team found the wreckage. They flew to the Super Puma helicopter.
The peak of Mount Salak, there are three. Cliff that was hit was on the summit of Mount Salak I. The peak was as high as 7253 feet. "This place is exactly what we expected when the coordinates of lost contact," said Daryatmo. According to him, on top of existing pieces of the aircraft Sukhoi logo. But the SAR team was already approaching. The weather is very bad.
Friday afternoon the team was fortunate to successfully penetrate the location that's hard. The plane broke into pieces. The bodies of the passengers was also intact. The team found dozens of bodies. "There are no survivors," said the gallant Carey, a spokesman for the National SAR Agency.
The plane was found. Victims were evacuated. That remains now is to find a reason why a comparatively advanced aircraft that can be completed at the Mount Salak. The reasons are found to be important that the lessons and not repeat itself later on.
Authorities such as the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) are currently investigating. Black boxes that record may be relied upon good cause havoc that is being sought. Is now developing the analysis, provisional estimates based on recent communications with the pilot Air Traffic Control (ATC) and field conditions.
Istruktur former Hercules pilot, which is also the son of aviation hero Halim Perdanakusuma - Vice Marshal (ret.) Ian Santoso Perdanakusuma said that her students used to practice flying on Mount Salak it. And it's been years.
Gunung Salak is selected, he said, because the area was deserted. Quiet from traffic aircraft. There was no flight from Jakarta via in situ. Moreover, there exists Atang Sanjaya Air Field. So easy to fall if an emergency.
Why can safely practice there. Ian explained that there are two guidelines to be saved. Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Visual Flight Rules (VHR). If the weather on Mount Salak inhospitable, he forbade his students to fly in under 10 thousand feet. "For seven thousand feet high mountain," said the former head of the Strategic Intelligence Agency President Abdurrahman Wahid.
If forced to go down any of the conditions. Lowest eight thousand feet. There should not be less. Therefore wondered why Ian asked Sukhoi pilot dropped from a height of 10 thousand to six thousand. He thought the pilot chose down because the weather was bad. But he did not blame the pilot. "Maybe he did not know the terrain on Mount Salak," he said. So the bad weather could be one possible cause of this catastrophe.
But permits fell to a six thousand foot that is now a question of certain people. Sunaryo of PT Trimarga Rekatama, questioned why the request was granted. "The pilot asked for permission but allowed to go down," he said.
National SAR Agency to answer that question. They argue that the pilot is allowed down to six thousand feet. According to a spokesman for Search and Rescue team, dashing Carey, tower at Soekarno Hatta really not allow that request. "He's just a report to the ATC down to six thousand. Has not been answered by the tower he was hit, "he said.
When the request came in, said the gallant, the plane was traveling at a speed of 800 km / h. Asked the pilot down, he said, because of very bad weather on top. Thick fog. When the last contact with the airport, the plane was to avoid heavy clouds.
Bad weather was recorded Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN). Portray the work of the institution that when Sukhoi passing cloud covered Mount Salak was 100 percent. MTSAT satellite observation also suggests that the very bad weather as the plane passed by. There is a thick cloud over there. So it's very bad weather in the form of thick clouds that could disrupt flights.
Besides the bad weather there is suspicion of other causes. Salak Mountain region is a sharp mountain contours. Frequent air turbulence that causes a vacuum that could endanger the flight. Rescue Coordinator PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bambang Munardi, confirmed that the aircraft may enter the vacuum. That's why he asked for permission to fall. "So he went down drastically in a very short time," he said. And fall dramatically in a fast tempo is difficult.
Pilot, Bambang said, should have a special ability to stabilize the aircraft. The aircraft must also be equipped with technology to address such situations. Bambang confirmed that analyze causes of this catastrophe must also know the technology of the aircraft and pilot records.
That is why, says the head of the NTSC Tatang Kurniadi, they will mengandeng NTSC Russia in investigating this case. "According to international procedures for Indonesia which will lead this team," he said. NTSC Team Russia itself has come to Indonesia.
Russian authorities themselves provide the possibility for third in this accident. Human error. "Experts say all equipment is functioning properly," said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin, told RIA Novosti how, Thursday, May 10, 2012.
In other words, he asserted, "It's caused by human error," said Rogozin, who produced 2007 aircraft is a competitive plane and has a bright future.
According to the Christian Science Monitor, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 Sukhoi's known as a plane without a history of accidents. The only negative note is the March of flight cancellations from Moscow to the city of Astrakhan, near the Caspian Sea, due to interference with the aircraft wheel.
But last week, this aircraft also had ground out in the city of Kazan, Russia. The aircraft also was grounded due to air conditioning problems. Airline Aeroflot Russian origin who have used this plane, said passenger Sukhoi Superjet has never been in danger.
This aircraft had been used by the two countries. Russian airline Aeroflot first by 2012. Being the other one airline Armavia, Armenia, in April 2011.
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